Site icon Abrasion resistant pipe

Ceramic sleeve lined pipes applied in mine slurry conveying system

ceramic sleeve lined pipes applied in mine slurry conveying system

We have just completed the delivery of DN300 95% Alumina Ceramic Sleeves, Elbows and T-Tubes for Slurry Conveying Systems. The use of isostatic pressing technology to develop large-diameter ceramic sleeves is a big step for gold-ceramic, which is currently one of the best pressing methods for producing 95% alumina ceramic sleeves.

Large diameter ceramic sleeves have always been a big problem for ceramic tube manufacturers because the deformation rate after sintering of ceramic sleeves is difficult to control, and an advanced large isostatic press is required to do this. So it will not only express the production capacity of the company, but also the technology of the company.

We certainly encountered some difficulties in the process of manufacturing the ceramic sleeve, and through the efforts of our research and engineering staff, we solved all the problems. And we created a very convenient installation machine to install ceramic bushings into pipes because bushings are very large and heavy. After a month of work, we completed this 20′ container 95% alumina ceramic casing lined pipe, T-pipe and elbows, and customers are also very grateful for our quick response and great effort in this project, applied to mines Mud conveying system.

Technical index of wear-resistant ceramic sleeve

Al2O3 (%)≥95%
Density (g/cm3)≥3.65g/cm3
Strength (MPa)1030
Flexural strength (MPa)212
Impact toughness (Kj/m2)10.2
Hardness (HRV)≥85Mpa
Elastic modulus (GPa)304
Expansion coefficient (10-6/℃)6.6
Acid resistance(24H)StabilityTest solution: 15%H2SO4
Alkali resistance(24H)StabilityTest solution:NaOH
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