Low carbon steel

Low carbon steel

Low carbon steel is a type of steel that has small carbon content, typically in the range of 0.05% to 0.3%. Its reduced carbon content makes it more malleable and ductile than other steel types. Low carbon steel is also known as mild steel. Low carbon steel is one of the most common types of steel.

Hot rolled is relative to the terms of the cold-rolled, cold-rolled is in the recrystallization temperature below the rolling, and the hot rolling is carried out at above the recrystallization temperature rolling.


hot rolled can damage the cast microstructure of the steel ingot, refinement of the crystal grains of the steel, and eliminate the defects of the microstructure, so that the the steel organization compacting, improve the mechanical properties.

This improvement is reflected in the rolling direction, so that the steel is no longer to a certain extent isotropic; pouring the formation of bubbles, cracks, and osteoporosis, under high temperature and pressure can also be welded together.

Low carbon steel has the characteristics of short tempering time, softness, stamping resistance and ductility. It easily accepts for various processing such as forging welding and cutting. It is commonly used in the manufacturer of steel bar, stamping parts, chains, rivets, bolts, wire, etc.


  • After the hot rolling, the nonmetallic inclusions in the interior of a steel (mainly sulfides and oxides, as well as the silicate) was pressed into a sheet, stratified (laminated) phenomenon appears. The layering of the steel in the thickness direction by the pull performance deteriorated significantly, and may appear in the weld shrinkage interlayer tear. Weld shrinkage induced local strain often reach several times the yield point strain, the strain is much greater than the load caused;
  • Residual stress caused by uneven cooling. The residual stress is the stress of internal self-phase equilibrium in the absence of external force, the hot-rolled steel of various cross-sectional has a residual stress such Usually steel sectional dimension is the greater, the greater the residual stresses. Residual stress is self-phase equilibrium, but the steel members in the performance external force or have a certain influence. Such as deformation, stability, anti-fatigue may adversely.
  • Hot-rolled steel products, poor control of thickness and edge width. We are familiar with the thermal expansion and contraction, even if the beginning of the hot-rolled out are standard length, thickness, or there will be some negative final after cooling, this negative differential edge width wider the increasing thickness of the performance of the more obvious. So for large steel for steel edge width, thickness, length, angle, and sideline no law requires too precise. Hot-rolled steel general steel, low and medium pressure boiler pipe, high pressure boiler pipes, steel pipes, stainless steel pipe, oil cracking pipe, geological steel pipes and other steel pipe.