Q235 steel plate

What is Q235 Steel plate?

Q235 is a plain carbon structural steel that is used throughout China. It is also known as Q235A, Q235B, Q235C, and Q235D. Since it is mild steel, it is utilized in production without heat treatment. The Q designates the yield point, and the 235 indicates the yield strength. It has good plasticity and weldability.

What is pipe Q235 equivalent to?

Q235 steel is equivalent to Japenese steel grade SS400 in application, the only difference is that ss400 steel requires only S,P composition < 0.050, Q235 has requirements for More element C, Si, Mn, S, P. Yield strength of q235 is >235Mpa, which is almost the same to SS400 245Mpa. Q represents the yield of this material, the latter 235, refers to the yield value of this material, at about 235MPA. With the increase of the thickness of steel plate, the yield value decreases. It is widely used in construction and engineering structures.

Chemical Composition of Q235A,B,C,D

Steel Grade Quality Grade C % (≤) Si % (≤) Mn (≤) P (≤) S (≤)
Q235 Q235A 0.22 0.35 1.4 0.045 0.05
Q235B 0.2 0.35 1.4 0.045 0.045
Q235C 0.17 0.35 1.4 0.04 0.04
Q235D 0.17 0.35 1.4 0.035 0.035
Quality Grade: A<B<C<D

Carbon steel plates contain up to 2% of their total alloying elements and can be divided into either low carbon steels, medium carbon steels, high carbon steels, and ultrahigh carbon steels.

Low Carbon Steels

Low carbon steels contain up to 0.30 percent carbon. The largest category for low carbon steel includes carbon steel sheets, which are flat-rolled products. These are typically used in automobile body parts, truck beds, tin plates, and wire products.

Medium Carbon Steels

Medium carbon steels (mild steel) have carbon ranges from 0.30 to 0.60 percent. Steel plates are used primarily in gears, axles, shafts, and forging. Medium carbon steels that are 0.40 percent to 0.60 percent carbon are used as a material for railways.

High Carbon Steels

High carbon steels contain 0.60 to 1.00 percent carbon. The usage of carbon steel sheets can be used for construction equipment like strong wiring, spring material, and cutting.

Ultrahigh Carbon Steels

Ultrahigh carbon steels are experimental alloys that contain 1.25 to 2.0 percent carbon. Carbon steel sheets are commonly seen being used in knives and the construction industry.

Mechanical Properties of Q235 A,B,C,D

Grade Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation %
Q235 Steel 235 Mpa 370-500 Mpa 26
Test Sample:16mm steel bar, (Mpa=N/mm2)

Q235 Steel Equivalent Standard

China USA Germany Japanese France UK ISO
Q235A Steel Gr.D
SM400A (σS245MPa)
  080A15 (σS235MPa) E235B (σS235MPa)
Q235B Steel Gr.D
SM400A (σS245MPa)
S235JRG2 (σS185MPa)
S235JRG2 (σS185MPa)
E235B (σS235MPa)
Q235C Steel Gr.D
Gr.65 (σS240MPa)
S235JO (σS235MPa) SM400A
SM400B (σS245MPa)
S235JO (σS235MPa) 080A15
S235JO (σS235MPa)
E235C (σS235MPa)
Q235D Steel Gr.D
S235J2G4 (σS235MPa)
SM400A (σS245MPa) S235J2G3
S235J2G4 (σS235MPa)
S235J2G4 (σS235MPa)
E235D (σS235MPa)