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What is a Gasket?

Flange Gaskets

A gasket, also known as an O-ring or washer, seals the gap between two surfaces. In most cases, these items are made of rubber and are available in a variety of sizes and shapes depending on their purpose. The most common type of gasket is the flat gasket. It has a cross-section that is circular in shape.

Properties of a Gasket

The gasket material should have good flexibility, low density, and high tensile strength. It should also have a resistance to chemicals and internal pressure, and durability. It must also have excellent adhesion properties with itself and anything it touches.

The ideal gasket will not only seal but also protect against corrosion. Further abrasion, vibration, impact, and temperature extremes need consideration.

That said, the most important feature of any gasket application is strength. It must have enough strength to withstand pressure without deforming under normal conditions. This is so it can serve its primary function of creating a tight seal.

What Are Some Use Cases for Gaskets?

Gaskets occur in many industrial applications. These include Food Processing, Petrochemical, Plumbing, Machinery, and Gas. The easiest way to summarize these is to think, “if it needs sealing and it doesn’t move, chances are it’s using a gasket.”

Examples around the home include gaskets in water faucets, around windows. Appliances, such as refrigerators, have gaskets to keep cold air inside. Examples in the workplace might include gaskets in machinery, pipes, valves, and pumps.

Most people tend to think of head gaskets as stainless steel gaskets or metal gaskets used in cars. But as you can see, there is a whole range of gaskets.

Most often go disguised under a different name, like washers or o-rings. And, all these serve vital functions across a range of applications.

Types of Gaskets

Gaskets come in different types, which vary according to usage and budget.

Sheet Gaskets:

Sheet Gaskets are basically the ones that are punched out of a Sheet of any material. These Gaskets are used in various chemical environments based on the material inertness. Sheet gaskets are used in environments with acids, steam, caustics and corrosive chemicals.

Solid Material Gaskets:

These Gaskets offer better quality when compared to “punched out” Sheet gaskets. Solid material gaskets can withstand high temperatures and pressures extremely efficiently.

Spiral-wound Gaskets:

Spiral-Wound gaskets have a mixture of metal and fillers. A metal wound of spiral shape is attached in outward direction and a filler wound from the opposite direction. The filler material is used as the seal in these gaskets.

Double-Jacketed Gaskets:

Similar to the Spiral-Wound Gasket even the Double-Jacketed Gasket is a combination of filler and metal materials.

Kammprofile Gaskets:

These are used in older seals as these are flexible and reliable. Kammprofile Gaskets have a flexible covering over a corrugated core. The arrangement is such that it allows very high compression and tight seals along the gasket’s ridges.

Fishbone Gaskets:

The Gasket type is used as an alternative to Kammprofile and Spiral-Wound gaskets. The production is done with a CNC machine and designed to eliminate all shortcomings of the Kammprofile and Spiral-wound gaskets.

Flange gaskets:

A Flange gasket fits in between two sections of pipe that are flared and provide a high surface area. Flange gaskets have 4 major categories such as Sheet Gaskets, Ring Gaskets, Corrugated Metal Gaskets and Spiral-wound gaskets.

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